Big Finish Productions has announced the release of a brand-new box set of audio adventures for the Eighth Doctor. Doctor Who – The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Echoes includes three new audio adventures featuring Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor and guest stars Playschool legend Derek Griffiths and actress Jane Asher.
The new adventures for the Eighth Doctor included in this collection are:
Birdsong by Tim Foley – When the TARDIS lands on a seemingly deserted world where just two scouts await the rest of their colony, the Eighth Doctor and his companions Liv (Nicola Walker) and Helen (Hattie Morahan) come to realise that this world isn’t as empty as it seems. When they begin investigating the mysterious figure seen in the woods, the peaceful birdsong soon becomes a deadly chorus.

From left to right – Hattie Morahan, Paul McGann and Nicola-Walker
Lost Hearts by Lauren Mooney & Stewart Pringle – Strange apparitions float around the grounds at one of England’s oldest universities during the Michaelmas term in 1903 causing fear and panic. When the Doctor and his companions arrive, Liv and Helen protect an undergraduate from a sinister society while the Doctor goes ghost hunting with one of the era’s foremost paranormal investigators.
Slow Beasts by Dan Rebellato – The Doctor takes Liv and Helen sightseeing to Ran-Zoan, one of the Wonders of the Outer Galaxy, where giant creatures loom over the settlements and plains of Renn. Their relaxing sightseeing tour is soon cut short when they discover the giants creatures hide a secret, one that spells doom for the entire planet.

Other cast includes – (from L to R) – Holly Jackson Walters, Dan Starkey, Derek Griffiths and Maya Saroya
Commenting on his debut story for Big Finish, Rebellato said: “Writing this was the fulfilment of an ambition planted in me when I was ten! Watching Doctor Who as a kid was the first time I really became aware of people who write stories. There is something slightly magical and joyful and ridiculous about sitting at my computer and typing ‘the TARDIS materialises’ after all this time…… This team is such a power trio. Helen’s wide-eyed openness is really nicely balanced with Liv’s hard-bitten wit, and both of them are great foils for this particular Doctor’s intensity and energy.”
Doctor Who – The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Echoes is available now from the Big Finish website as a collector’s edition 3-disc CD box set and digital download for £22.99, or the digital download only for £18.99.