Renowned filmmaker Shinsuke Sato will be heading to the world of My Hero Academia, having signed on to helm an English language live-action feature adaptation of the popular manga franchise from Kohei Horikoshi.
This is not Sato’s first venture into adapting anime to films, as the Japanese filmmaker has helmed a Bleach film and a Death Note feature. Legendary will produce the film.
My Hero Academia follows Izuku, a young boy who lives in a world where 80% of the popular have a superpower – or ‘quirk’ – and dreams of being a superhero, only for him to fall under the 20% of people with no special abilities. Nevertheless, he looks to defy the odds by enrolling into one of the world’s most prestigious and intimidating hero academies, where he struggles for acceptance and is forced to face challenges that require him to risk everything to prove himself to be truly special.
The manga launched a top-rated anime series in 2014, launching My Hero Academia to the mainstream. The first two anime feature films for the franchise were major box office successes, bringing in more than $50 million worldwide. A third animated film, My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission, was released in early August.