Netflix has shared a trailer, poster and images for Sakamoto Days, the upcoming anime series adapted from Yuto Suzuki’s hit manga which follows Trao Sakamoto, a former legendary assassin turned convenience store owner who must fight to protect his family when his past catches up with him; take a look here…
Taro Sakamoto used to be an unrivaled hitman, earning legendary status in the underworld. But one day, the unthinkable happened. Sakamoto fell in love. He started dating, retired, got married, and had a kid, growing overweight as a result. Though now working as a humble convenience store owner, the world of hitmen still follows him. Sakamoto, along with Shin, a young man with telepathy and an employee at his small store, will protect his humble life and family, or die trying.
The series features the voice talents of Tomokazu Sugita (Taro Sakamoto), Nobunaga Shimazaki (Shin Asakura), Ayane Sakura (Lu Shaotang), Nao Toyama (Aoi Sakamoto), Hina Kino (Hana Sakamoto), Ryota Suzuki (Heisuke Mashimo), Natsuki Hanae (Nagumo), Taku Yashiro (Shishiba), and Saori Hayami (Osaragi).
Sakamoto Days premieres on Netflix on January 11th.