20th Century Fox has done an effective job of keeping almost everything about director Josh Trank’s (Chronicle) upcoming reboot of The Fantastic Four under wraps, going through the entire shoot with barely so much as a set photo. When it comes to the plot, virtually nothing is known save for speculation that it will take inspiration from the Ultimate Fantastic Four comic book series, and now Schmoes Know has posted some alleged plot details that appear to support that claim.
According to the site, “the team will gain their powers through a lab experiment gone wrong in a way, where they create a portal to another world or dimension (its not clear) and they get their powers after the exposure to this other dimension/planet.” This is pretty much identical to the FF’s origin in the Ultimate comic book series, where our heroes – and Victor Van Damme – are mutated after teleporting to the parallel universe of the N-Zone using a device created by Reed Richards.
The report also goes on to state that it will actually be Kate Mara’s Susan Storm who is the adopted sibling rather than Michael B. Jordan’s Johnny… which in fairness is pretty much a non-scoop, seeing as we’ve known for months that Reg E. Cathey is playing Sue and Johnny’s father.
If true, how do you feel about this take on the origin for the Fantastic Four? Are they right to go with something different on screen, or should they have stuck with the traditional origin for Marvel’s First Family?
The Fantastic Four is set for release on August 7th 2015, with a Johs Trank (Chronicle) directing a cast that includes Miles Teller (Divergent) as Mr. Fantastic, Kate Mara (American Horror Story) as the Invisible Woman, Michael B. Jordan (Chronicle) as the Human Torch, Jamie Bell (Nymphomaniac) as The Thing, Toby Kebbell (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) as Doctor Doom, Reg E. Cathey (The Wire) as Dr. Storm, and Tim Blake Nelson (The Incredible Hulk) as Harvey Elder.