Another trailer has been released for Peacock’s limited thriller series Dr. Death. The series follows Dr. Christopher Duntsch (Joshua Jackson), a charismatic neurosurgeon who comes under the suspicion of his fellow physicians (Alec Baldwin and Christian Slater) when the patients that enter his operating room for routine surgery are left maimed or dead; watch it here…
Based on Wondery’s hit podcast, DR. DEATH is inspired by the terrifying true story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch (Joshua Jackson), a rising star in the Dallas medical community. Young, charismatic and ostensibly brilliant, Dr. Duntsch was building a flourishing neurosurgery practice when everything suddenly changed. Patients entered his operating room for complex but routine spinal surgeries and left permanently maimed or dead. As victims piled up, two fellow physicians, neurosurgeon Robert Henderson (Alec Baldwin) and vascular surgeon Randall Kirby (Christian Slater), as well as Dallas prosecutor Michelle Shughart (AnnaSophia Robb), set out to stop him. DR. DEATH explores the twisted mind of Dr. Duntsch and the failures of the system designed to protect the most defenseless among us.
Dr. Death arrives on Peacock on July 15th.