Liam Hoofe takes a look at nine actresses who could play Batgirl in Joss Whedon’s upcoming DCEU movie…
Very little is currently known about the Batgirl movie. The DCEU project, to be directed by Joss Whedon, will reportedly take inspiration from the New 52 version of the character, and rumours have surfaced that it has become a priority for the studio after the recent critical and commercial success of Wonder Woman, with DC obviously wanting to strike while the iron is still hot on female superhero movies.
With Whedon heading up the project, the studio could have a massive hit on their hands if they can cast the right actresses as Barbara Gordon, and right now there are plenty of potential stars who could take the role. So without further ado, let’s take a look at nine of the best choices to play Batgirl in the DCEU.
Rose Leslie
You know nothing, Bruce Wayne.
In terms of appearance, Rose Leslie would on the top of most people’s lists to play Barbara Gordon; the fiery red-head, aged 30 would be perfect as whatever version of Babs the DCEU decides to go with.
Unlike a lot of actresses on this list, she has also dealt with the pressure of serving as a character for a property with a massive fandom. Her performance as Ygritte in Game of Thrones has become one of the most beloved in the show’s history and fans would be pretty ecstatic to see her get rewarded with such a big role.
Her performance in Game of Thrones also showed us that she is certainly well prepped for the more physical aspects required for the role and the thought of her fighting alongside Batman will no doubt excite fans everywhere.
Emma Stone
Okay, so pulling this one-off would be one hell of a coup for the DCEU, but stranger things have happened.
In terms of dream casting, Emma Stone is right at the top of the list for Barbara Gordon, and her stock has never been higher on the back of her Academy Award success this year.
What remains to be seen, though, is whether Stone would be willing to commit to a role that would likely tie her into appearing in numerous movies, especially as she is one of the busiest actresses in Hollywood these days.
Karen Gillan
If it’s a kick ass redhead with a built-in geek following you’re looking for, then look no further than Karen Gillan. Having made a name for herself as Amy Pond in Doctor Who, Gillan has since broken into Hollywood, most notably as Nebula in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
Sadly, though, it may be this link that prevents that from ever happening as it seems unlikely the MCU would ever let one of their stars jump ship to their rivals. That being said, Whedon has made the jump, so don’t rule this out altogether.
Anya Taylor-Joy
Anya Taylor-Joy is one of the hottest rising stars in Hollywood at the moment and being cast as Batgirl could be just what her career needs to turn her from an indie darling into a household name.
Having made a name for herself in films like The Witch and Split, Taylor-Joy seems primed to make the jump to the major leagues (which she may just do with her upcoming role in X-Men: The New Mutants). She has also shown she can handle characters with a darkness inside – making her the perfect actress to explore Barbara’s PTSD following the character’s shooting at the hands of The Joker.
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