Performance Designed Products have revealed their upcoming Nintendo Switch Pro Controllers that have been inspired by the fabulous Gamecube controller. The Wired Smash Pad Pro controller is ideal for fans of the Gamecube and will set them up perfectly for battles on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and will come in 3 different ‘flavours’ depending on the character you prefer. Red for Mario, blue for Link and yellow for the cute Pikachu.
The Wired Smash Pad Pro will come with a 10 foot long USB cable and will allow players to customise their gaming style with the ability to swap between the traditional C-Stick or full size stick. This detachable stick design will ensure an authentic Gamecube playing experience.
Nintendo Switch gamers will be able to pre-order the Wired Smash Pad Pro in the coming months with a release date scheduled toward the end of the year.
The Wired Smash Pad Pro is perfect for gamers of all ages and fans of the GameCube controller and Super Smash Bros™. The wired controller ensures a strong connection during crucial moments and the 10 foot USB cable allows plenty of room to get comfortable. Players have the ability to customize their gaming style by playing with the traditional C-Stick or swapping it out for a full-size stick. The innovative detachable stick design lets players experience the original GameCube style of play!