Big Finish Productions has today released two brand-new full cast audio adventures for the Fifth Doctor and both bring similar challenges to him and his companions. Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor Adventures – In the Night is available exclusively from the Big Finish website.
The Fifth Doctor Adventures: In the Night consists of two new adventures, these are…
Pursuit of the Nightjar has been written by Tim Foley and tells the story of Captain Goben. The legend of this captain and their story of delivering medical supplies while pursued by the spaceship Nemesis, helmed by the dogged Captain Eslo is one that has been told for countless years.
When the TARDIS arrives on the ship, the Doctor thinks he will get to witness these historic events but history may have other ideas.
In Resistor, written by Sarah Grochala, the TARDIS arrives in the cellar to a club in Warsaw in 1982. The band performing on stage find themselves short of a musician but stranger things are happening on the streets, as black, featureless cars roam the streets taking the unwary. Some of these vehicles are driven by the Soviet secret police while others are driven by something alien and unpleasant.
Can the Doctor and his companions, Nyssa and Tegan, get to the bottom of these disappearances?

From left to right – Daniel Easton, Niky Wardley, Peter Davison, Sarah Sutton, Janet Fielding
Producer David Richardson said: “Terrible things happen in the dark – as the Doctor and his companions discover in deepest space and in Poland in 1982. These two stories, despite the inter-linking theme, are worlds apart in geography and tone, and most importantly, feature the return of the TARDIS crew’s space helmets from Four to Doomsday!”
The Fifth Doctor is played by Peter Davison, with Janet Fielding reprising her role as Tegan and Sarah Sutton as Nyssa. Also joining them are Fenella Woolgar (Call the Midwife), Daniel Easton (Atlantis) and Niky Wardley (Queen of Oz).
The Fifth Doctor Adventures: In the Night is available from Big Finish Productions for £16.99 (digital download only) or £19.99 for a collector’s CD box set and digital download. Other bundles are also available from the Big Finish website.