Disney has released two new posters for the live-action remake of the classic animated film Snow White featuring Rachel Zegler’s titular princess and Gal Gadot’s Evil Queen; take a look here…
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Disney’s Snow White is a live-action musical reimagining of the classic 1937 film. The magical music adventure journeys back to the timeless story with beloved characters Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy.
Directed by Marc Webb (The Amazing Spider-Man, Snow White stars Rachel Zegler (West Side Story) in the title role alongside Gal Gadot (Wonder W0man) as the Evil Queen. Also featuring in the cast are Patrick Page (The Gilded Age), Andrew Burnap (Under the Banner of Heaven), Ansu Kabia (Back to Black) and Colin Michael Carmichael (Wicked).
Snow White is set for release in cinemas on March 21st 2025.