18 – Brightburn
The unofficial “Dark Superman” movie, Brightburn, is another surprise. Many didn’t know what to expect with this. So, the sad story and extreme gore blew a lot of minds. For anyone ever wondering what a god-like superhero looks like completely unleashed, this is a good look into that scary world.
17 – Annabelle Comes Home
A Twilight Zone-esque romp, Annabelle Comes Home works on some levels. The contained story is refreshing in a year with some outlandish plots, but it does feel a little “small-screen” at times. Thankfully, the blessing of James Wan and cameos from Conjuring regulars make this something that the fandom can eat up.
16 – Zombieland 2: Double Tap
Any sequel that takes this long is always risky. Can you capture that magic again? Do audiences want this again? Zombieland 2 is a film that thankfully brings back the original flavor of the film, and still found moderate success. While it’s nowhere near the original film, there still more than enough to enjoy with this gang of zombie killers.
15 – Velvet Buzzsaw
A Netflix Original Movie, directed by Dan Gilroy? This movie was bound to be something polarizing. The higher ranking can tell you how I felt about it, but I’m not saying it’s perfect. Velvet Buzzsaw is a strange film with more ideas than it needed. Take it as a fun, quick adventure, and you can see the magic of what’s here.
14 – Glass
The saddest part about putting Glass at 14 is it needed to be higher. Following the underrated Unbreakable and monster hit Split, this movie was bound to be a big success. Sadly, there’s just something off with the film that keeps it from being the smash that M. Night had in him. Glass still has brilliant acting that will never place it lower.
13 – The Banana Splits Movie
This movie came out of nowhere. It took both the original fanbase and horror fans by surprise. Based on the Hanna-Barbera series from the 1970s, The Banana Splits Movie goes a much different route than its family-friendly roots. You need to see this movie to believe it truly, and thankfully it’s an enjoyable slasher as well.
12 – The Dead Don’t Die
Jim Jarmusch is wonderful when he tackles horror; take his vampire film Only Lovers Left Alive as an example. The Dead Don’t Die makes for another interesting genre entry from Jarmusch. Zombie films are well-worn territory by now, but this is the shot in the arm needed to carry them a little further.
11 – Ma
The beauty of a movie like Ma is the film knows what it is. Looking for a campy time with a talented actress carrying a bizarre plot? Then look no further than this. Ma feels like a throwback to those sleazy ’90s revenge thrillers that became oh so popular. Only someone like Octavia Spencer can make this ridiculous film feel so serious.
10 – Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark
Shocking to see a horror movie marketed to a younger demographic so high, but Scary Stories nails it. This film uses the “kid-movie” label to lower your guard, then throws some shocking things your way. Based on an iconic book, director André Øvredal wonderfully brings this terror to life.
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