With 20th Century Fox still seemingly pressing ahead with its X-Force plans despite the imminent Disney acquisition, Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld has suggested that Josh Brolin could be pulling double duty in the team-up movie, teasing Cable’s clone Stryfe as the film’s villain.
“Well, do you really hire Josh Brolin if you don’t want him to play both roles?” Liefeld tells Nerdist. “We are perfectly assembled for an X-Force movie. And how do you not scratch that Stryfe itch, right?”
Stryfe was created by Liefeld and Louise Simonson, making his debut in The New Mutants in 1990. Cloned from a baby Nathan Summers, Stryfe was stolen by Apocalypse as an infant and raised by En Sabah Nur as a potential host for his essence. He goes on to become the leader of the Mutant LIberation Front terrorist group, and a frequent foe of Cable and X-Force.
Now, it should be noted that Liefeld doesn’t have any involvement with X-Force in an official capacity, so it’s possible he’s just speculating here and his comments should not be taken as confirmation that Stryfe will feature.
Drew Goddard (The Cabin in the Woods) is attached to direct X-Force, which will see the return of Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, Josh Brolin as Cable and Zazie Beetz as Domino.