Spider-Man is set to make his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in a few short weeks as Tom Holland takes on the role in Captain America: Civil War, before taking centre stage in his own reboot next year… and it seems that the solo movie may be using a title that may be familiar to long time fans of the web-slinger.
According to the BBC, Sony has registered the domain SpiderManHomecomingTheMovie.com, which would seem to indicate that the film could be using the title Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Homecoming is the title of a story from The Amazing Spider-Man #252, which saw the introduction of Spidey’s black symbiote suit to the main series, as well as guest appearances from the Avengers – which would seemingly support the comments from Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. that they’d be working together in Atlanta, where the new Spider-Man film will shoot. However, you’d have to assume Sony won’t be using the black costume, given that this will serve as our main introduction to the new Spidey, and the studio also has a Venom movie in development which will be separate from the main Spider-Man franchise.
It should also be noted that Sony is working on an animated Spider-Man movie, so the title may refer to that project rather than the live-action reboot.
UPDATE: It seems that Sony has also registered a further three domains: SpiderManComingOfAgeMovie.com, SpiderManGreatnessAwaitsMovie.com, and SpiderManSuspendedMovie.com, suggesting other possibilities for the title as Spider-Man: Coming of Age, Spider-Man: Greatness Awaits, and Spider-Man: Suspended.
What do you make of Spider-Man: Homecoming as a title? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below…
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