Marvel Studios continues to assemble its cast for its upcoming ensemble The Eternals, with The Wrap reporting that From Dusk Till Dawn and The Hitman’s Bodyguard actress Salma Hayek is set to feature in the cosmic superhero blockbuster.
The Eternals is being directed by Chloe Zhao (The Rider) and sees Hayek joining the previously announced Angelina Jolie (Maleficent), Kumail Nanjiani (The Big Sick), Richard Madden (Bodyguard) and Ma Dong-seok (Train to Busan).
Based upon characters created by the legendary Jack Kirby, The Eternals “super-powered and near-immortal beings known as Eternals and a more monstrous off-shoot known as the Deviants that were created by cosmic beings known as Celestials.”
As yet, there’s no word on a release date for The Eternals, but it is thought that it will arrive at some point next year alongside the currently-in-production Black Widow solo movie.