It appears that Octane will not be the only character that will be getting introduced in the Wild Frontier season.
The Playstation website has posted a description of the content coming in Season 1 of Apex Legends which includes mention of another character that is supposed to arrive in the game by the end of the season. “Two new characters will launch over the course of the season,” the description states and as Octane has already been released a second character might be coming sooner than you think.
The website also claims that the Wild Frontier season will last a total of 12 weeks which provides us with a timeframe for when the new character could appear. There are also a few leaks floating around that can tell us who the character might be. A tweet posted in February, before the announcement of Octane, correctly leaked information about new characters. The same tweet also shares information about a second character called ‘Wattson’ who has a tesla trap ability. Could this be the tenth legend in the roster? New weapons, items and cosmetics are also in the pipeline for future updates, according to the Sony page.
It is also important to keep a lookout for false leaks. The Respawn Reddit page posted a message claiming that not all of the leaked and datamined information is accurate. A Respawn community manager speaking on the leaks said that, “Finding this stuff by no means confirms that it’ll ever come out. At best you should treat any posts about this as a rumour and the real info will come from us when we’re ready to show off what’s coming next.” It seems that Respawn aren’t quite ready to give us details on the next character just yet.