Sequart has announced the publication of Somewhere Beyond the Heavens: Exploring Battlestar Galactica, a 572-page book exploring the classic sci-fi franchise.
SEE ALSO: All This Has Happened Before: The 15th Anniversary of Battlestar Galactica
Glen A. Larson’s Battlestar Galactica only lasted for a single season, yet it earned its place among the most beloved science-fiction shows of all time. In 2003, Ronald D. Moore reimagined the story. This new take proved hugely popular, revitalizing the once-niche franchise. Moore’s Galactica successfully accomplished something few reboots of classic TV shows have ever managed to do: surpassing the original in scope and longevity. Like the Cylons, Galactica had evolved.
Somewhere Beyond the Heavens: Exploring Battlestar Galactica, edited by Rich Handley and Lou Tambone, examines the entire mythos, both televised and published, from 40 different perspectives, just in time for the show’s 40th anniversary. This anthology features insightful, analytical essays about Galactica‘s history, penned by popular comic historians, novelists, bloggers, subject-matter experts, and franchise insiders, including Samuel Agro, Jim Beard, Corinna Bechko, Joseph F. Berenato, Joe Bongiorno, Jeffrey Carver, October Crifasi, Steven Czarnecki, Julian Darius, Joseph Dilworth Jr., Matthew J. Elliott, Kelli Fitzpatrick, James Frenkel, Sabrina Fried, Caroline Glucksman, Robert Greenberger, Rich Handley, Amy Imhoff, Brandon Jerwa, Robert Jeschonek, Fiona Moore, John Kenneth Muir, Alex Newborn, Peter Noble, Alan J. Porter, Tony Simmons, Paul Simpson, Robert Smith?, Alan Stevens, and Lou Tambone, with a painted cover by beloved Galactica artist Chris Scalf.
You say you want to know more about Battlestar Galactica? So say we all.
Somewhere Beyond the Heavens: Exploring Battlestar Galactica is available now both in print and digital formats.