A clip has landed online from the third season of Netflix’s animated series Sonic Prime, which sees Sonic, after a confrontation with Nine – an alternate Shatterverse version of Tails – joining forces with his rival Shadow to take on Alpha Grim Sonic; check it out below…
With the power of the Paradox Prism under his control Nine turns the Shatterverse upside-down. However, the Prism power is as unstable as its wielder, and requires energy trapped inside of Sonic to stabilize. Extracting said energy, however, means that Sonic himself may shatter! As the final battle for the fate of the Shatterverse — and Green Hill — begins, Sonic will be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his friends and enemies alike!
SEE ALSO: Sonic the Hedgehog 3: The Characters We Need To See
Sonic Prime season 3 arrives on Netflix on January 11th.