Comedy Central’s animated comedy South Park has been renewed for three more seasons, which means the show will run until at least 2019. Since the show already had an existing agreement through season 20, this new deal will bring it to a total of 23 seasons and 304 episodes.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the masterminds behind the hit series, are set to keep writing, editing and directing each episode.
On top of all that, Hulu has signed a deal to give $192 million over five years to both Viacom and the creative team behind South Park, so that the streaming site can continue to have access to every episode in the South Park library. The deal is even larger than the one it took to bring Seinfeld to the site, which was signed for $160 million.
On the news, Viacom music and entertainment group chief Doug Herzog said, “South Park is one of the foundations on which the house of Comedy Central has been built.”
Comedy Central president Michele Ganeless added, “The series remains as urgent and relevant now as the day it premiered and at nearly 20 seasons in it continues to draw generations of new fans.”
Season 19 of South Park will begin airing this year on September 16th.