Developer Tortuga Team, the creators of the Braveland series, have announced Spaceland, a brand-new sci-fi tactical RPG releasing for PC. You can watch the new trailer here…
In Spaceland, players take on various roles within a futuristic kill squad, dropping into alien bases and eradicating any and all threats in the surrounding environment. The turn-based battles are promised to be fast-paced , only taking 10-15 minutes to complete, and players won’t have to waste time deciding on costumes or load-outs as each character is already kitted for battle. Additionally, you won’t be losing any time recovering from missed shots as the game has a heavy emphasis on team member placement for the best line of sight and optimal shots with their equipped weaponry.
Spaceland will also offer plenty of futuristic weaponry that players can equip for their teams including Dash Thrusters, Grenades, Teleporters, Mines, Power Shields, and even more yet to be revealed. Information can also be obtained during each battle by exploring alien bases to expand your knowledge to aid in your annihilation of the hostile enemies.
Tortuga Team is currently aiming for a Q3 2019 release date. Until then, let us know your thoughts on Spaceland in the comments below or tweet us @FMyth_Gaming…