Spy themed strategy game Safe House is now available on Steam. Developed and published by Labs Games, Safe House uses an art style and storyline that would make one of the classic spy films of years gone by proud. Below is the recent trailer for the game showing all the top secrets…
Safe House places gamers in the role of a CIA intelligence agent who joins an elite espionage unit intent on toppling the corrupt regime in charge of the fictional nation called Kazataire. Players will need to recruit, train and deploy spies into the field while ensuring their agents gather intel and complete missions in order to earn new abilities and unlock operations.
“Safe House offers players a more realistic but fascinating look at the day-to-day operations of spy rings. Most spy games ‘go all 007’ and focus primarily on action. With Safe House, we took the road less traveled through slower-paced, meticulous gameplay – and the results speak for themselves.” Mark Collins , Labs Games.
This espionage strategy will feature:
- Build and manage your own top secret spy headquarters.
- Devise and solve spy themed puzzles such as decoding scrambled messages, forging documents and exchanging secret phrases.
- A non-linear single player campaign with multiple endings based on your decisions.
- An unpredictable ‘Endless’ mode.
- Iconic art style reminiscent of ‘60s spy movie classics.
Safe House is available now on Steam with a 10% launch discount until the 29th May.