Ricky Church reviews the tenth episode of Star Wars Resistance season 1…
While ‘Secrets and Holograms’ may not have been as action packed or exciting as some of the previous Star Wars Resistance episodes, it was still an intriguing one that mixed together light elements and serious moments throughout its story. We got to see Kaz take on an active role in espionage on the Colossus, but the real takeaway was the spotlight on Torra Doza and her isolated life up in the High Tower. It blended her need for connections and Kaz’s mission very well together in a way that didn’t feel forced.
Torra has been a character who has shown up sporadically since the premiere and not much is known about her aside from the fact she’s fairly eccentric, a great pilot and the daughter of the Colossus’ governor. ‘Secrets and Holograms’ offered us our most intimate look at her yet, revealing she lives a fairly lonely life as Captain Doza doesn’t let her leave the High Tower or interact with a lot of other people for fear of her safety. Not only did it help explain why she hasn’t been seen since ‘The High Tower‘, it helped make her sympathetic and endearing to her plight and want for any kind of fun.
Torra’s story also helped reveal a bit more about her father. Though he’s been fairly shady and is actually open to dealing with the First Order, he does care very much for Torra and her protection. There feels a bit more to the story than it seems, but it was certainly enlightening when Kaz discovered he used to hold an important rank in the Empire (and actually keeps his uniform too). It raises more questions surrounding him, like if he’s open to the First Order because they were born out of the Empire’s ashes or if its just out of fear over what they’d do to Torra. Doza’s motives are left ambiguous enough, but its clear from keeping his Imperial uniform and his treatment of Jace that he may retain some of the pompous attitude most Imperial officers have been known for.
Another interesting aspect to the story was the First Order’s tactics in their dealings with Doza. As Commander Pyre made another appearance at the Colossus, his interactions with Doza were cordial if subtly threatening. Through the actions we’ve seen or heard of them in various media, especially given their actions in ‘The Children of Tehar’, it is a bit surprising they don’t just take Colossus from Doza and its residents if they want it so bad. Its enough to make one wonder if its the station the First Order wants or perhaps, given his Imperial past, Doza himself. Either way, Pyre was a nice intimidating force to Doza’s calm demeanour.
While the Doza family got most of the focus, Kaz’s growth as a spy was also put to the test and developed further. He showed some very quick thinking in making a plausible excuse to get up to the High Tower with Torra. It was nice the episode had him spend time away from his usual friends by allowing his friendship with Torra to grow his status as a Resistance spy in jeopardy as he was nearly discovered by multiple people, including Torra herself. It was a fairly positive and refreshing aspect that ‘Secrets and Holograms’ displayed more of Kaz’s quick-thinking and growth instead of his more comedic elements.
‘Secrets and Holograms’ featured a nice return of the First Order, but its biggest success was the focus it placed on Torra and her father. It gave new layers to their characters and made Captain Doza a more ambiguous figure than he already is. Kaz’s growth as a spy and lack of comedic relief was a welcome change of pace as was his relationship with Torra. While nothing totally game-changing happened here, its revelations certainly raised the stakes for Kaz’s mission and where the series might go next.
Rating: 8/10
Ricky Church