Radiant Entertainment has announced the final official update to their city building game, Stonehearth. Update 1.1 brings lots of new goodies to the game, including guests and transporters; there’s also been a number of bugs fixed.
Stonehearth’s final update makes a change to the travelling merchants who visit the town. Instead of a fleeting visit to sell their wares, travelling merchants will now spend the day exploring the buildings and marketplace. Travelers will only start visiting once a town has at least one bed reserved for travelers, they will then spend the day walking around town then spend the night in the designated bed. Satisfy the traveler enough and they may even leave a gift as a thank you for a good stay.
As part of Radiant’s Kickstarter promise to their Legend Tier backers, two new encounters have been added to the game: a visit from the Royals of Hestia, and an encounter with The Dragonborn King. Both of these have a rare chance of happening once the town hits Tier 2.
We all remember the hassle if a hearthling got stuck in a building or mine, we were left with the choice of demolishing structures or agonisingly watch the poor guy starve to death; now thanks to the update a very handy hearthling teleport button has been added. This button can be used once a day and is only clickable when a citizen is idle.
Miscellaneous changes and additions include – An in-depth modding guide is now available as well as a number of changes to allow modders greater control, notification when a town hits 20 citizens and max citizens and new desert specific plants and animals.
Finally, Radiant have fixed a number of crashing bugs, optimized a wide variety of services and fixed a last few critical building bugs.
Update 1.1 brings many welcome changes and additions to Stonehearth.