A Christmas Horror Story, 2015. Directed by Grant Harvey, Steven Hoban and Brett Sullivan. Starring William Shatner, Rob Archer, Michelle Nolden, George Buza, Jeff Clarke, Shannon Kook, Adrian Holmes, Percy Hynes White, Orion John, Zoé De Grand Maison, Amy Forsyth, Alex Ozerov and Olunike Adeliyi. SYNOPSIS: A radio show host narrates four interwoven horror stories, […]
10 best films of Film4 FrightFest 2015
Luke Owen looks at this year’s FrightFest… What a year this was. Every time FrightFest rolls around, the four madmen behind the festival promise the ‘best line-up ever’, and this year was no different. Each screen was packed out, there was plenty of surprises on offer and some great interviews with the likes of Barbara […]
Film4 FrightFest 2015 Review – A Christmas Horror Story (2015)
A Christmas Horror Story, 2015 Directed by Grant Harvey, Steven Hoban, Brett Sullivan Starring George Buza, Rob Archer, Jeff Clarke, Jessica Clement, Percy Hynes White, Zoé De Grand Maison, Amy Forsyth, Ken Hall, Debra McCabe, Michelle Nolden, Alex Ozerov, William Shatner SYNOPSIS: Interwoven stories that take place on Christmas Eve, as told by one festive radio […]