Action Lab has announced the upcoming launch of the all-ages superhero series Sweetie, which follows socially awkward fan-girl Maggie, who becomes a self-taught superhero and takes on the world of supervillains and high school alike. Check out a preview of the first issue here… “Maggie fulfills the dream we all have: to become fast, strong, […]
Preview of Zombie Tramp #54
Action Lab: Danger Zone releases Zombie Tramp #54 this Wednesday, and you can take a look at a preview of the issue here… As the search continues to find Janey’s original body, Janey continues to try and fight her way out of Black Betty. Zombie Tramp #54 is out on November 28th, priced $3.99.
Preview of The Null Faeries #1
Action Lab: Danger Zone is set to launch the new series The Null Faeries this January, and you can take a look at a preview of the first issue right here… In NULL FAERIES, the latest release from Action Lab’s Danger Zone imprint, a massive shipment of pixie dust is stolen from the Faerie Queen, […]
Preview of Vampblade Season 3 #6
Action Lab: Danger Zone releases Vampblade Season 3 #6 this Wednesday, and you can take a look at a preview of the issue here… Katie’s managed to get out of the alternate universe she was trapped in. And now she’s gone straight to… HELL!! Vampblade Season 3 #6 is out on October 24th, priced $4.99.
Preview of Danger Doll Squad Presents: Amalgama
Action Lab: Danger Zone has unveiled a preview of its Halloween ComicFest 2018 title, the Danger Doll Squad spin-off Amalgama, which will be available during participating comic shops on October 27th 2018; check out the preview here… Spinning out of the events of the last Danger Doll Squad series, and featuring the powers of Zombie […]
Preview of Zombie Tramp #53
‘The Death of Zombie Tramp’ continues this week in Zombie Tramp #53 from Action Lab: Danger Zone, and you can take a look at a preview of the issue here… With Janey still apparently dead, her right-hand man Oscar must go on a quest to figure out how to bring the Zombie Tramp back! Zombie Tramp […]
Action Lab introduces the new Zombie Tramp
After the death of Janey Belle, a new Zombie Tramp will rise from the grave, with Action Lab: Danger Zone announcing today at the New York Comic Con that Angel Lynch will be the next woman to take up the mantle of Zombie Tramp beginning in issue #57. “To make it to 50 issues in […]
Preview of Zombie Tramp #52
Action Lab: Danger Zone releases Zombie Tramp #52 this Wednesday, and we’ve got a preview of the issue for you here; check it out… With Janey gone, do the remaining Danger Dolls – Vampblade, DollFace, and Black Betty – actually feel some remorse? Zombie Tramp #52 is out on September 12th, priced $3.99.
First-look preview of Art Baltazar’s Powers in Action #1
Action Lab and Aw Yeah Comics is set to launch Powers in Action, an updated retelling of the first superhero stories from Eisner Award-winner Art Baltazar. Check out a preview here… Based on the super hero comics of famous cartoonist Art Baltazar, created in 1986 when he was 17 and in high school, originally called […]
Preview of Vamplets and The Undead Pet Society: Beware the Bitemares! #1
Action Lab launches its new series Vamplets and The Undead Pet Society: Beware the Bitemares! this coming Wednesday, and we’ve got a preview of the first issue for you here; check it out… VAMPLETS AND THE UNDEAD PET SOCIETY are epic tales of mayhem, mischief, and horribly hysterical happenings all surrounding adorable but sweetly sinister […]
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