Doppelgänger Releasing has shared a poster and trailer for Rounding, the psychological thriller from director Alex Thompson. Namir Smallwood stars as James, a medical student who transfers to a rural hospital following a traumatic incident during his residency, but the demons of his past soon catch up with him and he find his reality slipping […]
Movie Review – Ghostlight (2024)
Ghostlight, 2024. Directed by Kelly O’Sullivan and Alex Thompson. Starring Keith Kupferer, Dolly de Leon, Katherine Mallen Kupferer, Tara Mallen, Hanna Dworkin, Dexter Zollicoffer, H.B. Ward, Tommy Rivera-Vega, Alma Washington, Matthew C. Yee, Marlene Slaughter, Bradley Grant Smith, Lia Cubilete, Cindy Gold, Charlie Lubeck, Francis Guinan, Sarab Kamoo, Charin Alvarez, Anthony Lee Irons, Deanna Dunagan, […]
Movie Review – Saint Frances (2019)
Saint Frances, 2019. Directed by Alex Thompson. Starring Kelly O’Sullivan, Charin Alvarez, Lily Mojekwu, Max Lipchitz, Jim True-Frost and Ramona Edith Williams. SYNOPSIS: In the aftermath of having an abortion, a woman becomes the nanny for a precocious six-year-old. One of the most refreshing elements of the brilliant recent BBC drama I May Destroy You […]