Marvel Comics releases Aliens vs. Avengers #3 next week; get yourself an early sneak peek right now with the official preview below… THE ENGINEERS GO TO WAR! But in a world of cosmic heroes and genetic mutants, the Engineers are not the only gods of creation. As the Engineers set out to destroy what they […]
Comic Book Preview – Aliens vs. Avengers #2
Marvel’s Aliens vs. Avengers crossover continues on Wednesday with the release of the second issue of the four-part series; check out the official preview below… EARTH SURRENDERS?! Overwhelmed by Xenomorphs, the survivors abandon their home planet! But so many are dead. So many wounded. And a terrifying few… CHANGED. The Avengers… must avenge. Aliens vs. […]
Comic Book Preview – Aliens vs. Avengers #1
Marvel Comics kicks off its hotly-anticipated 20th Century Studios event crossover Aliens vs. Avengers this coming Wednesday, and we have the official preview of the first issue for you below; take a look… ALIENS AND AVENGERS FACE OFF! It’s all led to this: Xenomorphs reach Earth! The perfect organism meets a planet of superhumans. Who […]
Get a sneak peek at Marvel’s Aliens vs. Avengers crossover
As Marvel Comics gears up to unleash a Xenomorph invasion on the Marvel Universe later this month, the publisher has given fans a sneak peek at the first issue of its upcoming crossover series with the release of an unlettered preview of Aliens vs. Avengers #1; check it out here… It’s all led to this: […]
Marvel vs. Alien variant covers pit Xenomorphs against Marvel Heroes
Back in April it was revealed that Marvel Comics’ next 20th Century Studios crossover event will see Earth’s Mightiest Heroes fighting to save Earth from a Xenomorph invasion in the limited series Aliens vs. Avengers, and the publisher has now announced that it will lead in to the monumental mash-up with a series of Marvel […]
Marvel’s Aliens vs. Avengers to pit Xenomorphs against Earth’s Mightiest Heroes
We’ve had AVP, now get ready for AVA as Marvel is set to follow up Predator vs. Wolverine with another 20th Century Studios crossover as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes find themselves battling the iconic Xenomorphs of the Alien saga with Aliens vs. Avengers, a new four-part epic from writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Esad Ribić. “Probably […]