Ahead of its world premiere at Dances with Films later this month, a trailer, poster and images have arrived online for the upcoming horror Celebrity Crush. The film is directed by Oliver Robins (Poltergeist), who also stars as Jonathan Blaklee, an 80s B-movie horror star who is imprisoned by an obsessed fan (Alissa Schneider); check […]
Movie Review – Paying Mr. McGetty (2016)
Paying Mr. McGetty, 2016. Directed by Michael Baumgarten. Starring Don “The Dragon” Wilson, R. Marcos Taylor, Anita Clay, Alissa Schneider and Wade Williams. SYNOPSIS: After a night of drinking and gambling, Tyrell (R. Marcos Taylor) is awakened by an angry call from his girlfriend, Meena (Anita Clay) and finds himself in bed with a strange woman, Cecelia (Alissa […]