Following last year’s The Velocipastor, Wild Eye Releasing has unearthed director Brendan Steere’s directorial debut Animosity. Set for release this month, the film stars Tracy Willet and Marcin Paluch as a newlywed couple that discover that the woods surrounding their new home is host to a sinister supernatural presence. Check out the poster, trailer and […]
Legendary acquires film rights to AfterShock’s acclaimed comic book series Animosity
Legendary has acquired the worldwide film rights to the acclaimed comic book series Animosity, written by Marguerite Bennett (DC Comics: Bombshells, Angela: Asgard’s Assassin) and illustrated by Rafael de Latorre. In Animosity, the world is plunged into chaos once day when animals suddenly wake up. They start thinking. They start talking. They start taking revenge. In the midst […]