Dynamite Entertainment releases Army of Darkness Forever #6 on Wednesday, and you can take a look at the official preview of the issue below… In this latest chapter of Ash across the ages: Sheila seeks the help of Henry the Red in the pass, while in the present day the internet spreads the evils of […]
Comic Book Preview – Army of Darkness Forever #5
Dynamite Entertainment releases Army of Darkness Forever #5 on Wednesday, and we have the official preview of the issue for you below; check it out… In this issue: Bad Ash continues to scheme in the present day, while in the future, Ash and the Wiseman seek the last piece of the Necronomicon. And in the […]
Comic Book Preview – Army of Darkness Forever #4
Dynamite Entertainment’s Army of Darkness Forever continues this Wednesday with the release of issue #4, and we have the official preview for you below… In this issue: Excitement and horror oscillate across three timelines as Future Ash recruits robots to reassemble the Necronomicon, Bad Ash sends his mini-minions into the Internet, and Sheila loses the […]
Comic Book Preview – Army of Darkness Forever #3
Dynamite Entertainment releases Army of Darkness Forever #3 on Wednesday, and you can check out the official preview of the issue below… In this issue: Stuck in the future, a heavily bearded Ash tries to track down pieces of the Necronomicon, while in the past, Sheila faces off against a horde of Deadites at Castle […]
Comic Book Preview – Die!namite Never Dies!
Dynamite Entertainment collects its zombie crossover epic Die!namite Never Dies! in trade paperback form this week, and we’ve got the official preview for you below, along with a gallery of covers; check it out… The hit series returns, cuz you can’t kill a never-ending army of zombies…you can only hope to beat the $%&# out […]
It’s Ash vs the apocalypse in Army of Darkness Forever #2 preview
Dynamite Entertainment releases Army of Darkness Forever #2 this Wednesday, and you can get yourself a sneak peek right now with the official preview; check it out… In this issue: It’s Robots vs. Deadites as the legendary Ash Williams takes charge of the future… kind of. Meanwhile, in the present, Bad Ash is being very, […]
1983 vs 1993 in Horror Movies: What Year Scared Us More?
EJ Moreno pits 1983’s horror line-up against 1993’s… which year scared us more? Horror is the genre that reflects our current time the most. We often see cultural fears and concerns thrown back at us in the scariest of ways. Looking back at the genre 30 or 40 years ago can give us a clear […]
Ash sleeps too long in Army of Darkness Forever #1 preview
Serving as a sequel to the alternate director’s cut ending to Sam Raimi’s Army of Darkness, Dynamite Entertainment launches its new series Army of Darkness Forever this Wednesday, and you can check out the official preview of the first issue below… After it debuted in 1992, the classic Sam Raimi film Army of Darkness quickly […]
Army of Darkness Forever to continue the original post-apocalyptic ending of Sam Raimi’s film
If you’ve ever wondered what might have been for the Evil Dead franchise had director Sam Raimi stuck with his original ending for Army of Darkness – the one where Ash slept too long and awoke in a post-apocalyptic future rather than returning to the S-Mart in present day 1993 – then you’re about to […]
The Evil Dead to Evil Dead Rise: Ranking the Evil Dead franchise
With Evil Dead Rise now streaming [read our review here], William Stottor ranks the Evil Dead franchise from worst to best… 5 – Army of Darkness (1992) In a nutshell: absolutely balmy, even for this absurd film series. Army of Darkness is considerably lighter in tone than any other Evil Dead film and whilst it […]