Ultraman: Rising, 2024. Directed by Shannon Tindle and Josh Aoshima. Featuring the voice talents of Christopher Sean, Gedde Watanabe, Tamlyn Tomita, Keone Young, Julia Harriman, Hiro Nakamura, Artt Butler, Karen Maruyama, Mila O’Malley, Brittany Ishibashi, Veronica Lapke, Lee Shorten, François Chau, and Jonathan Groff. SYNOPSIS: Ken Sato, a superstar baseball player who returns to Japan […]
Netflix animated feature Over the Moon gets new trailer and poster
Netflix has debuted a new trailer, poster and images for director Glen Keane’s upcoming animated musical adventure Over the Moon. The film follows the story of a young girl who builds a rocket ship in hopes of travelling to meet the legendary Moon Goddess and features the voice talents of Cathy Ang, Phillipa Soo, Robert […]