DC Comics explores the origin of Clownhunter in this week’s Batman Annual #5, and we have the official preview of the issue for you here; check it out… The riveting new vigilante known as Clownhunter was a breakout star of “The Joker War”- but what’s the tragic origin of this teenage assassin? How did his […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman Annual #4
DC Comics releases Batman Annual #4 this Wednesday, featuring a new Tom King tale ‘From the Diary of Alfred Pennyworth’. Take a look at a preview of the issue here… What’s it like to be Batman from day to day? What are the challenges that the Dark Knight Detective faces? From thieves to marauding monsters, […]
Preview of Batman Annual #3
DC Comics releases Batman Annual #3 this Wednesday, and we’ve got a preview of the issue for you here; check it out… “THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PENNY!” Alfred Pennyworth has been Batman’s most trusted ally and confidant since the Dark Knight first hit the streets of Gotham City. Now, witness Batman’s battle for justice […]
Preview of Batman Annual #2
DC Comics releases Batman Annual #2 this Wednesday, and we have a preview of the issue for you here; check it out… Travel back in time with us to see the early days of the Bat and the Cat. What was Bruce and Selina’s first date? How did this rivalry blossom into romance, and then go […]