DC Comics is set to showcase the art of Nicolas Scott with a selection of ‘Though the Ages!’ variant covers spotlighting the history and evolution of some of the DC Universe’s most iconic characters. Releasing throughout the month of September, the Nicola Scott Artist Spotlight variant covers will grace Action Comics #1069, Batman #152, Batman/Superman: […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #27
DC Comics releases Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #27 on Tuesday; check out the official preview of the issue below… It’s an IMP-losion of global proportions! As Mxy and Bat-Mite flee the dreaded Doom-Mite of the fifth dimension, Batman and Superman must travel to the fifth dimension to do battle within a dimension of omnipotent mayhem! All […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #26
DC Comics releases Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #26 on Tuesday, and you can take a look at the official preview of the issue below… Beware the power of the DOOM-MITE! Following the imp-shattering events of the Batman/Superman: World’s Finest 2024 Annual and #25, it’s up to Mr. Mxyzptlk and Bat-Mite to convince Batman and Superman that […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #25
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #25 is out on Tuesday, and you can check out the official preview below courtesy of DC Comics… Join Batman and Superman as the World’s Finest team celebrates 25 issues of World’s Finest! This oversized special issue takes our heroes around the DCU and beyond—with a special lead story that will at […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #24
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #24 is out this coming Tuesday, and we have the official sneak peek preview for you below courtesy of DC Comics… “Return to Kingdom Come” concludes! With no way back to their own Earth, will Superman and Batman have to witness the tragic events that led to cataclysm—or are they fated to […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #23
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #23 hits comic shops and digital retailers this Tuesday, and you can get a sneak peek below with the official preview from DC Comics… SUPERMAN AND BATMAN MUST STOP BOY THUNDER FROM BECOMING MAGOG! The walls are closing in on the World’s Finest duo as Boy Thunder falls fully under the thrall […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #21
DC Comics releases Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #21 on Tuesday, and we have the official preview of the issue for you below… Superman and Batman, having followed Boy Thunder to Kingdom Come, find themselves and that world on a path to an apocalyptic future. Can the World’s Finest team prevent the transformation of Boy Thunder into […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #20
Mark Waid returns to the world of Kingdom Come this Tuesday as DC Comics releases Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #20, and you can get a sneak peek at the issue right now with the official preview below… The return of Boy Thunder! To find and save Superman’s former protégé, the World’s Finest duo bridges the dimensional […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #19
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #19 hits comic book shops and digital retailers this coming Tuesday, complete with Nicolas Cage Superman variant cover; check out the official preview below courtesy of DC Comics… The origin of the World’s Finest Team concludes! What, of all things, could tie the Riddler and the Phantom Zone together—and what secrets will […]
Comic Book Preview – Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #18
DC Comics details the secret origin of the World’s Finest next week in the pages of Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #18, and you can check out the official preview below… Think you know how Superman and Batman met and became friends? Think again! Read the untold tale of how their worlds first collided—and the stunning, secret […]