Hard Tide, 2016. Directed by Robert Osman and Nathanael Wiseman. Starring Nathanael Wiseman, Mem Ferda, Alexandra Newick, Oliver Stark, Ralph Brown, Katarina Gellin, Beverly Hills, Sean Cronin and Grant Davis. SYNOPSIS: A small-time drug dealer forges an unlikely bond with a neglected nine-year-old girl. Jake (Nathanael Wiseman) may be a drug peddler on the streets of […]
Blu-ray Review – The Comedy of Terrors (1963)
The Comedy of Terrors, 1963. Directed by Jacques Tourneur. Starring Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre, Basil Rathbone, Joyce Jameson, Beverly Hills and Alan DeWitt. SYNOPSIS: A scheming undertaker resorts to extreme measures to bring in some new business in order to pay his rent. Both comedy and terror are two of the hardest genres […]