Marvelous Videos presents cyberpunk anime for adults… While western entertainment struggles to remove adult animation from the realm of comedy, the animators over in Japan have successfully molded their animated serials, colloquially referred to as “anime”, into a multitude of categories. Yes, some of these are for kids, but a good chunk are also for […]
Movie Review – Blame (2017)
Blame, 2017. Directed by Quinn Shephard. Starring Quinn Shephard, Chris Messina, Nadia Alexander, Sarah Mezzanotte, Tessa Albertson, Luke Slattery, Owen Campbell, Geneva Carr, and Tate Donovan. SYNOPSIS: A drama teacher’s taboo relationship with an unstable student strikes a nerve in her jealous classmate, sparking a vengeful chain of events within their suburban high school that […]
Movie Review – Blame (2017)
Blame, 2017. Written and Directed by Quinn Shephard. Starring Quinn Shephard, Chris Messina, Nadia Alexander, and Tate Donovan. SYNOPSIS: Tensions rise when a substitute teacher changes the class play to The Crucible. Early in Blame we meet Abigail (Quinn Shephard), combing her hair in a mirror, the back of her head blocking us from seeing her […]