Ricky Church reviews DC’s Doomsday Clock #2… Geoff Johns and Gary Frank’s second issue into the anticipated Doomsday Clock moves the story along at a brisk pace, already having a couple of the central characters come face-to-face with two of DC’s big powerhouses. Johns still gives the story to develop, however, and further build the relationships between […]
Comic Book Review – Doomsday Clock #1
Ricky Church reviews Doomsday Clock #1… For over 30 years, Watchmen has been considered one of the best graphic novels ever created, breaking new ground for comics with its serious themes, characters and deconstruction of the superhero genre. Now DC’s Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank is crossing Watchmen over with the DC Universe after over a year of […]
Live-action Teen Titans show finds a director for its series premiere
It looks like Warner Bros. has found a director for the first episode of its live-action Teen Titans series, with Titans Podcast spotting a listing on the official website of Directors Guild of Canada Ontario which reveals that Brad Anderson is set to helm the series premiere. Anderson’s feature film credits include the likes of The Machinist and The Call, […]
Comic Book Review – Trinity Vol. 1: Better Together
Ricky Church reviews Trinity Vol. 1: Better Together… The Dark Knight. The Man of Steel. The Amazon Warrior. The three greatest heroes in the DC Universe unite when the threats to our planet are bigger than any one of them can handle. But now, the deadly White Mercy has Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman in […]