The LEGO Batman Movie, 2017. Directed by Chris McKay. Featuring the voice talents of Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, Ralph Fiennes, Mariah Carey, Jenny Slate, Billy Dee Williams, Hector Elizondo, Conan O’Brien, Jason Mantzoukas, Doug Benson, Zoe Kravitz, Kate Micucci, Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Riki Lindhome, Eddie Izzard, Seth Green, Jermaine Clement, […]
Movie Review – The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)
The LEGO Batman Movie, 2017. Directed by Chris McKay. Featuring the voice talents of Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, Ralph Fiennes, Mariah Carey, Jenny Slate, Billy Dee Williams, Hector Elizondo, Conan O’Brien, Jason Mantzoukas, Doug Benson, Zoe Kravitz, Kate Micucci, Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Riki Lindhome, Eddie Izzard, Seth Green, Jermaine Clement, […]
Second Opinion – The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)
The LEGO Batman Movie, 2017. Directed by Chris McKay. Featuring the voice talents of Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, Ralph Fiennes, Mariah Carey, Jenny Slate, Billy Dee Williams, Hector Elizondo, Conan O’Brien, Jason Mantzoukas, Doug Benson, Zoe Kravitz, Kate Micucci, Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Riki Lindhome, Eddie Izzard, Seth Green, Jermaine Clement, […]
The LEGO Batman Movie Screening and Q&A with Dan Lin and Chris McKay
Tai Freligh attended a special IMAX screening of The LEGO Batman Movie followed by a Q&A with director Chris McKay and producer Dan Lin… I was lucky enough to win a screening of The LEGO Batman Movie ahead of the theatrical release (through a partnership of IMAX and and watched it at the IMAX headquarters […]
Exclusive Interview: Director Chris McKay and Producer Dan Lin on The LEGO Batman Movie
Thomas Harris chats with Chris McKay and Dan Lin about The LEGO Batman Movie (some minor spoilers follow)… I had the pleasure to talk to Chris McKay and producer Dan Lin about the rather brilliant The LEGO Batman Movie. A quick note on director McKay who, looking like a Williamsburg hipster, had Batman and Marvel […]
Phil Lord, Chris Miller and Chris McKay tease their research for LEGO Batman spinoff
Phil Lord and Chris Miller may not be returning to the LEGO Movie universe anytime soon (in a directorial capacity, at least), but are hard at work on producing several upcoming LEGO films, including The LEGO Movie 2 and the two spinoff films featuring LEGO Ninjago and LEGO Batman. The latter project is the most exciting at the moment, in part because of how […]
Will Arnett and Phil Lord talk The LEGO Batman movie
After the massive box-office success of last year’s The LEGO Movie, which ended 2014 as the UK’s highest-grossing film, it was only a matter of time before sequels and spin-offs were going to happen, and sure enough a LEGO Batman movie was announced back in October. In recent days, star Will Arnett – who will […]