Ultraman: Rising, 2024. Directed by Shannon Tindle and Josh Aoshima. Featuring the voice talents of Christopher Sean, Gedde Watanabe, Tamlyn Tomita, Keone Young, Julia Harriman, Hiro Nakamura, Artt Butler, Karen Maruyama, Mila O’Malley, Brittany Ishibashi, Veronica Lapke, Lee Shorten, François Chau, and Jonathan Groff. SYNOPSIS: Ken Sato, a superstar baseball player who returns to Japan […]
Star Wars Resistance Season 1 Episode 19 Review – ‘Descent’
Ricky Church reviews the nineteenth episode of Star Wars Resistance, ‘Descent’… Last week’s Star Wars Resistance left off on a pretty big cliffhanger and ‘Descent’ wasted no time picking right up right where it left off as Kaz and his friends faced arrest from Commander Pyre. While ‘Descent’ served as a nice primer for the two-part finale, […]
Star Wars Resistance animated series gets a first trailer
Disney and Lucasfilm have now delivered fans the first trailer for the next Star Wars animated series, Star Wars Resistance. Taking place before the events of The Force Awakens, Star Wars Resistance follows Poe Dameron leading a group of Resistance fighters against the growing First Order. The series is set to begin with a one-hour premiere on Sunday, October 7 at […]