Amazon MGM Studios has debuted the first trailer and a poster for A Working Man, the upcoming action film reuniting Jason Statham with The Beekeeper director David Ayer, who also co-wrote the screenplay alongside Sylvester Stallone. Based on Chuck Dixon’s novel Levon’s Trade, the film sees Statham as Levon Cade, an ex-Black Ops agent looking […]
Movie Review – Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose (2023)
Nandor Fodor and the Talking Mongoose, 2023 Written and Directed by Adam Sigal. Starring Simon Pegg, Minnie Driver, Christopher Lloyd, Neil Gaiman, Paul Kaye, Ruth Connell, Tim Downie, Gary Beadle, Edmund Kingsley, Cokey Falkow, Jessica Balmer, Damian Gallagher, Emilio Calcioli, Sharon Forbes, Aidan Towers, Drew Moerlein, and John Booker. SYNOPSIS: In 1935, Hungarian-American para-psychologist Nandor […]