Following the success of last year’s Crash Annual publisher Fusion Retro Books have started a Kickstarter campaign for an annual celebrating the ZZap! 64 magazine. If you were a Commodore 64 owner then ZZap! 64 was the magazine to go for, not just for reviews and previews but also for the humour and the excellent […]
The first batch of THEC64s has set sail for mainland Europe
Over the past few weeks THEC64 team have released a large number of images – some of which you can see below – showing the production of the upcoming THEC64 Mini. Today’s news however has quite possibly topped all of that as the first batch of THEC64 Mini’s is on it’s way over right now! […]
The64 releases more game titles, more Plastic Trials images, and The64 PCB
At the beginning of this week we brought you a rather large list of games set to appear on the upcoming gaming machine dubbed The64, designed to return us to the classic days of the Commodore 64. Set to arrive in a number of formats including a large full-sized keyboard, a handheld gaming device and […]
The 64 team reveal a list of classic games to appear on their machines
The 64 team released some updates as usual at the end of the week, to keep backers (and future buyers) abreast of what’s happening with this future slice of returning retro. With glimpses of the future machine and games titles included there’s enough to wet a few C64 lovers whistles. There are pictures of the […]
Book Review – The Story of the Commodore 64 in Pixels
Ben Rayner reviews The Story of the Commodore 64 in Pixels… The Commodore 64 was essentially my first console experience. Watching and waiting as those tapes worked their painfully slow magic before dinner was what made most of my evenings as a child that little bit more special. Games like Turrican, Bubble Bobble, Double Dragon and […]
The 64 – all the info you need to know
Those of you who read The 64 article published on Flickering Myth earlier this week may, like me, be looking forward to seeing it become a reality just for the sake of playing classic 8 bit games. There are also probably many more of you who want all the details on the tech that is […]
The 64 – Can the Commodore 64 make a come back?
Back in the 80’s the Commodore 64 was the world’s best selling computer; with the exception of the UK where the Spectrum won the hearts of the people, the Commodore 64 dominated the home computer market. With the Spectrum Vega and the Recreated Sinclair ZX Spectrum already on the market it’s no surprise that someone […]