Brave the Dark, 2025. Directed by Damian Harris. Starring Jared Harris, Nicholas Hamilton, Jamie Harris, Sasha Bhasin, Will Price, Daisy Galvis and Joey Cabrera. SYNOPSIS: Haunted by torturous childhood memories, Nate Williams finds himself engulfed in darkness. When his drama teacher, Mr. Deen bails him out of jail and takes him in, Nate must confront […]
First trailer for The Wilde Wedding starring Glenn Close, Patrick Stewart and John Malkovich
With a little over a month to go until its release, the first trailer has debuted for writer-director Damian Harris’ upcoming romantic comedy The Wilde Wedding which stars Glenn Close, Patrick Stewart, and John Malkovich; watch it below after the official synopsis… In THE WILDE WEDDING, now-retired film star Eve Wilde (Glenn Close) prepares for […]