In the Lost Lands, 2025. Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. Starring Milla Jovovich, Dave Bautista, Arly Jover, Amara Okereke, Fraser James, Deirdre Mullins, Sebastian Stankiewicz, Tue Lunding, Jacek Dzisiewicz, Ian Hanmore, Pawel Wysocki, and Simon Lööf. SYNOPSIS: A sorceress travels to the Lost Lands in search of a magical power that allows a person to […]
DVD Review – Tank 432 (2016)
Tank 432, 2016. Directed by Nick Gillespie Starring Rupert Evans, Deirdre Mullins, Steve Garry, Gordon Kennedy and Michael Smiley. SYNOPSIS: A group of British mercenaries transporting human cargo through the countryside come under attack from a strange enemy, forcing them to hide inside a old, abandoned tank… After watching Tank 432 aka Belly of the […]