Prime Video has released a red band trailer for Gen V, the upcoming comedy drama set in the world of the hit series The Boys which follows the students of Godolkin University, the prestigious superhero-only college, as they train to be the next generation of heroes; watch it below… Set in the diabolical world of […]
The Boys spinoff Gen V unveils character descriptions and poster
With its September premiere date fast approaching, Prime Video has unveiled a new poster for Gen V as well as the official character descriptions for the highly-anticipated spinoff from The Boys. Jaz Sinclair plays Marie Moreau, an 18-year-old superhero with the ability to control and weaponize her own blood. As an incoming freshman at Vought-run […]
The Boys spin-off Gen V welcomes you to Godolkin University with new trailer
Prime Video has released a new teaser trailer for Gen V, the forthcoming spinoff to the hit comic book adaptation The Boys, which focuses on Vought International’s Godolkin University, a kind of Professor Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters for the up-and-coming superheroes from the world of The Boys. Gen V stars stars Jaz Sinclair, Chance […]
The Boys spinoff Gen V gets a bloody first look trailer
Prime Video has released a teaser trailer for Gen V, which offers a bloody first look at the college-set spinoff to the hit comic book adaptation The Boys. The action comedy series explores the lives of the students at America’s only superhero exclusive college and features a cast that includes Jaz Sinclair, Chance Perdomo, Lizze […]