A trailer has been released for the upcoming comedy horror Eat Brains Love. Directed by Rodman Flender (Idle Hands), the film is based on Jeff Hart’s novel of the same name and stars Jake Cannavale and Angelique Rivera as teenagers Jake and Amanda, who after becoming afflicted with a zombie virus, work their way through […]
Arrow Video Frightfest 2019 Review – Eat, Brains, Love
Eat Brains Love, 2019. Directed by Rodman Flender. Starring Jake Cannavale, Angelique Rivera, Sarah Yarkin and Alex Stage. SYNOPSIS: The good news: Jake’s dream girl, Amanda Blake, finally knows his name. The bad news: it is because they both contracted a mysterious zombie virus and devoured the brains of half their senior class. Now Jake […]
Idle Hands director adapting zombie novel Eat, Brains, Love
Gunpowder & Sky and DIGA Studios have set Idle Hands helmer Rodman Flender to direct an adaptation of Jeff Hart’s zombie novel Eat, Brains, Love, which has been scripted by One Tree Hill duo Mike Herro and David Strauss. Here’s the official synopsis: The good news: Jake’s dream girl, Amanda Blake finally knows his name. […]