A trailer has debuted for the upcoming crime sequel Rise of the Footsoldier 3: The Pat Tate Story which stars Craig Fairbrass, Terry Stone, Eddie Webber, Larry Lamb, Jamie Foreman, Josh Myers, Roland Mannokian, and Billy Murray; take a look below… The rise of ruthless Essex gangster Pat Tate, who blazes a path from Marbella to […]
DVD Review – Assassin (2015)
Assassin, 2015. Directed by J.K. Amalou. Starring Danny Dyer, Anouska Mond, Gary Kemp, Martin Kemp, Holly Weston and Eddie Webber. SYNOPSIS: A hitman falls for a beautiful exotic dancer before discovering that his last hit was her dodgy businessman father, forcing him to turn against his ruthless employers to try and save her life. Is […]