Paramount+ has shared a trailer for The Crow Girl, the psychological thriller series based on Erik Axl Sund’s best-selling novel of the same name. The series follows two detectives as they join forces with a psychotherapist to hunt down the person responsible for murders of several young men across Bristol. The cast includes Eve Myles, […]
Movie Review – Hard Truths (2024)
Hard Truths, 2024. Written and Directed by Mike Leigh. Starring Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Michele Austin, David Webber, Tuwaine Barrett, Elliot Edusah, Tiwa Lade, Jonathan Livingstone, Samantha Spiro, Sophia Brown, Hiral Varsani, and Bryony Miller. SYNOPSIS: Pansy is a woman tormented by anger and depression, hypersensitive to the slightest possible offense, and ever ready to fly off […]