LEGO has revealed three new sets from Disney’s animated musical fantasy Encanto which includes The Madrigal House (43202), Antonio’s Magical Door (43200), and Isabela’s Magical Door (43201). The sets go on sale on December 1st following the film’s release later this month; check them out here… The Madrigal House (43202) Disney’s Encanto fans of all […]
Meet the Madrigals in trailer for Disney’s Encanto
Walt Disney Pictures has released a poster and trailer for the animated musical fantasy Encanto which tells the story of an extraordinary family who live in a magical house hidden in the mountains of Columbia. Meet the Madrigals below… The film tells the tale of the Madrigals, an extraordinary family who live in a wondrous, […]
First trailer for Disney’s Encanto promises a fantastical adventure
An animated Colombia-set film from Disney? Strike this up as one of their more unique outings to date, as the first look of Encanto feels different than most from Walt Disney Animation Studios. Encanto is directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush, co-directed by Charise Castro Smith. The talented Stephanie Beatriz voices Mirabel, an ordinary […]
Disney teases Encanto with first poster for animated fantasy
With the first trailer set to debut this Thursday, Disney has shared a teaser poster for its latest animated musical fantasy Encanto; check it out here… Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Encanto” tells the tale of an extraordinary family, the Madrigals, who live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant […]