Yummy, 2020. Directed by Lars Damoiseaux. Starring Maaike Neuville, Bart Hollanders, Benjamin Ramon, Clara Cleymans, Annick Christiaens, Eric Godon, and Joshua Rubin. SYNOPSIS: Yummy is an orgy of blood, violence and fun in which a young couple travel to a shabby Eastern European hospital for plastic surgery. Viles of drained fatty liquids, flesh-munching, and silicone […]
Movie Review – Anna (2019)
Anna, 2019. Directed by Luc Besson. Starring Sasha Luss, Luke Evans, Cillian Murphy, Helen Mirren, Lera Abova and Eric Godon. SYNOPSIS: A Russian woman escapes her abusive home when she is offered a chance at a new life if she agrees to work for the KGB. It’s fair to say that, if you’ve seen a […]