Ghostlight, 2024. Directed by Kelly O’Sullivan and Alex Thompson. Starring Keith Kupferer, Dolly de Leon, Katherine Mallen Kupferer, Tara Mallen, Hanna Dworkin, Dexter Zollicoffer, H.B. Ward, Tommy Rivera-Vega, Alma Washington, Matthew C. Yee, Marlene Slaughter, Bradley Grant Smith, Lia Cubilete, Cindy Gold, Charlie Lubeck, Francis Guinan, Sarab Kamoo, Charin Alvarez, Anthony Lee Irons, Deanna Dunagan, […]
JRPG Lost Dimension arriving on Steam this month
Fans of JRPGs will be pleased to hear that Ghostlight have announced the tactical JRPG Lost Dimension will be released on Steam on the 30th October. Not only that but they will also give a whopping 40% discount to those who buy the game before the 6th November. Check out the new trailer below… Lost […]