Peccadillo Pictures has released the first trailer for Monsoon, the upcoming drama from director Hong Khaou (Lilting) which stars Henry Golding as Kit, a man returning to Ho Chi Minh City for the first time since fleeing with his family in the aftermath of the Vietnam-American war when he was six years old; watch it […]
2019 BFI London Film Festival Review – Monsoon
Monsoon, 2019. Directed by Hong Khaou. Starring Henry Golding and Parker Sawyers. SYNOPSIS: Kit, a British Vietnamese man, returns to Saigon for the first time in over 30 years, after fleeing during the Vietnam-American War. Hong Khaou’s follow-up to his 2014 debut Lilting is a similarly sober offering that, despite its scant 86-minute runtime, is in […]