After twenty years of waiting, the aliens have finally returned, as 20th Century Fox unleashes Roland Emmerich’s sci-fi sequel Independence Day: Resurgence, the hotly-anticipated follow-up to the 1996 blockbuster. To celebrate the release, Vue Entertainment has been conducting research into the British public’s thoughts on extraterrestrial life, with one in three respondents believing in the […]
Comic Book Review – Independence Day #1-5
Tony Black reviews Independence Day #1-5… On the eve of Independence Day: Resurgence, a blockbuster sequel two decades in the making, Titan Comics have jumped on the prequel bandwagon to deliver this limited-run, five issue story set just after the original Independence Day film, from writer Victor Gischler & artist Tazio Bettin. The hook is […]
Exclusive Interview: Jessie Usher talks Independence Day: Resurgence
With mere hours to go until the two decade wait is finally over, Flickering Myth has been getting ready for the new alien invasion by speaking to the cast and filmmakers behind Independence Day: Resurgence. Scott J. Davis got to chat to new recruit Jessie Usher about the film, his memories of the first film […]
7 awe-inspiring tracks from David Arnold’s classic Independence Day score
Ahead of the release of Independence Day: Resurgence, Sean Wilson remembers one of the first movie’s greatest assets in the form of David Arnold’s absurdly rousing and patriotic soundtrack… However long-overdue sci-fi sequel Independence Day: Resurgence turns out, it’ll be lacking the thunderous impact of David Arnold on soundtrack duties. The British composer reportedly wasn’t even […]
Roland Emmerich shares unused plot for Independence Day sequel
It’s taken director Roland Emmerich and producer Dean Devlin two decades to get their Independence Day sequel off the ground, and with the release of Independence Day: Resurgence fast approaching, Emmerich has shared an unused plot for the follow-up during an interview with Empire. “It was after 9/11 and Dean and I wanted to make […]
Why 1996 was the Most Important Year in Hollywood
This week, Neil Calloway argues that 1996 was a hugely influential year in cinema… This month sees the release of the long awaited Independence Day sequel. In many ways it seems like a long time since the original came out; the film industry has moved on a lot, and there is no way that a […]
Why does Independence Day: Resurgence look so boring?
Anghus Houvouras on Independence Day: Resurgence and why it looks so boring… I unapologetically love Independence Day, the 1996 masterpiece of popcorn movie making. It’s one of the best blockbusters ever made. An absolute piece of cinematic perfection when it comes to delivering thrills, chills, and trite melodrama. 20 years later and it’s still a […]
Roland Emmerich on Will Smith’s absence from Independence Day: Resurgence
Despite the fact that Independence Day: Resurgence is bringing back several cast members from the original movie, there is one name absent from the roster of the 1996 blockbuster, with Will Smith opting against a return to the franchise. Speaking to Comic Book, director Roland Emmerich has revealed that Smith was originally set to return, […]
Roland Emmerich on the 20 year wait for an Independence Day sequel
Despite whispers of a sequel ever since the release of the first movie, it’s taken twenty years for the follow-up to the blockbuster alien invasion flick Independence Day to become a reality, and during an anniversary screening of the film, director Roland Emmerich has been talking to Entertainment Weekly about why we’ve waited so long […]
United World News report for Independence Day: Resurgence details The War of 1996
20th Century Fox has released a viral clip for the upcoming sci-fi action sequel Independence Day: Resurgence, which takes the form of a ‘United World News’ special report detailing the first alien invasion during ‘The War of 1996’. Check it out here… SEE ALSO: Watch the latest trailer for Independence Day: Resurgence “Independence Day was […]