Disney Animation and Kulgali Media have dropped the trailer for their forthcoming Disney+ limited series Iwájú, which tells the futuristic coming-of-age story of a young girl named Tola, and her best friend, Kole, as they discover the secrets and dangers that arise from their different worlds. Directed by Olufikayo Ziki Adeola, from a screenplay by […]
Moana, The Princess and the Frog, Zootopia and Baymax! animated series coming to Disney+
During Disney’s Investor Day presentation this week, Walt Disney Animation Studios announced a slate of new Disney+ series based upon four of their classic animated features. In 2022, the streaming service will see the arrival of the Big Hero 6 spinoff Baymax!, The Princess and the Frog series Tiana, and Zootopia+ (Zootropolis+ in the UK?), […]